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Business Fundamental Cyber Security Best Practices

15 February 2021
  • Keep work and personal devices separate.

By limiting work and personal activities on different devices will ultimately protect your business in the long run.  With everyone working from home it is best practice that your employees work on a company supplied device for doing work activities and use their own personal devices for doing personal activities.  Personal devices might not be as secure as your business devices and especially when connecting to public/home wi-fi for work use, this can cause issues with your company’s data.  If your employees must make use of their personal devices for work activities make sure you have a security policy in place that they can adhere to or better still have your MSP (Managed Service Provider) do a check before it gets utilised, which at the end of the day keeps your businesses all important data safe.

  • Training, Training and Training

Staff or employee training on cyber security fundamentals is absolute paramount in the fight against the bad guys.  95% of breaches occur through phishing and attackers use this means to taking advantage of users and devices.  For accessing businesses sensitive information, like password and other credentials, Phishing is public enemy number one. It can be devastating to a business, not only the reputation but also in terms of financial loss as well.

For a hacker this is an inexpensive way of attack making it a highly lucrative for a hacker if Ransomware is deployed.  With all the best defences and technology, it still boils down the recipient who is receiving the phishing email, that would be you or your employees, they are your last line of defence, so training is important in any business. An attacker can fail to gain access 100 times, but one single breach to your business is one too many. Adopt a “think before you click” culture within and amongst your staff. Your employees should be suspicious of unknown links within emails, there are various signs that a link is not good or to be trusted for example bad spelling, numbers in place of letters or irregular characters.

  • What to do next

There is no silver bullet, but you can build some layers of defences within your business, like staff training, using multi factor authentication – remember one attack is one to many. If you would like to get some more information or are concerned about the cyber security of your IT infrastructure or systems, please get in touch with Control IT Solutions on Perth 01738 310271 or Glasgow 0141 4284301


TAGGED IN: Small Businesses , Threats To Small Businesses, Perth, Dundee, Scotland, Stirling, Ransomware, IT Services, Glasgow